In the first report, we explored the
scenarios concerning death and how the
spirit or souls of humans, animals and all
living things, creates an imprint into time.
These impressions become deeper and more
pronounced with tragic events. Murders,
suicides and wrongful deaths are all
candidates for lasting impressions, and can
lead massive amounts of spiritual energy
being released into the environment. When an
event of such magnitude occurs, it
impressions with such profound impact into
the fabric of the space-time reality, that
the echoes of such an event can be
experienced for many years into the future.
These echoes are what we as paranormal
investigators seek to find and quantify to
advance the science of paranormal research.
While impressions are one way that spirits
can exist in our reality, the second deals
with Portal Advancement. What is Portal
Advancement? This theory concludes that some
external consciousness have the distinct ability to
move or shift from their relative reality
state to one that coincides in some part
with our own. A consciousness is a grouping
of thoughts and desires, which is capable of
making decisions regarding its own wants,
needs, and desires. So a consciousness can
have feelings: happiness, playfulness,
hatred, desires, and in having feelings they
can make the decision to influence others.
For the purpose of this report, any
consciousness that is able to advance in
whole or in part into our reality, we will
call by the name of spirit. This makes an
easy distinction between what exists in
other realities and when something is able
to shift into our own reality.
When the physical body of a living being
dies, the spirit or soul of that entity
leaves the body. From this point there are
basically two viewpoints, the atheist and
the religious. From a scientific
perspective, the atheist view is much easier
to explain and quantify. The body dies and
the soul dies or ceases to exist. This is a
very clean, practical way of dealing with a
hyper-complex problem. And if this were the
definitive final answer, then there really would
not be any reason for the study of the
after-life and paranormal phenomena.
However, since our team’s goal is to
advance the knowledge of what lies beyond
death, it is necessary to follow the path
most widely subscribed by religion. When the
physical body dies, the spirit ascends to
another plane of consciousness. Where and
what these other planes are, poses the
fundamental question to all paranormal
investigators. If the spirits are there, how can we
reach or communicate with them, or where do
they exist. Quantum physical reality lays
the groundwork for the Portal Advancement
Energy, in its many forms, is abundant throughout
the universe. Cosmic radiations, solar
winds, magnetic occurrences all have their
own distinct characteristics and
measurements. With the addition of an energy
state consciousness present in the universe,
this provides a target rich environment for
all the conditions present to align and make
it possible for advancement from one reality
into another. We conclude that a number of
paranormal occurrences are directly linked
from a consciousness that wants to
communicate, to also having the correct
environmental conditions to exist for that
The energy needed for a consciousness to
advance from one reality to another is
thought to be large in value or difficult to
focus. The conditions required to make such
a quantum leap are not prevalent on a normal
basis. We know this from the fact that if
they were, everyone would be having
experiences on a daily basis and our view of
reality would be drastically different.
Imagine a world where everyone was able to
see and communicate with his or her deceased
relatives. This would be an incredibly
valuable way to pass on additional
information from generation to generation.
But at the same time, if you think of the
information overload that we all suffer from
today, think of what having your dead
mother-in-law constantly preaching to you
the virtues of her perspective.
The degree to which a consciousness is
capable of performing this shift, depends
upon the amount of energy and focus it can
generate. Some researchers also deem that a
spirits ability to advance, is directly tied
to its will-power and urgency to relay its
message. In many instances, we have found
that spirits are most active when they have
a purpose. Very few existences occur for no
reason at all. We are all aware of ghost
stories that depict a gruesome death or loss
of life. In every country of the world, in
every state, in every city, there are
stories that all carry a similar theme. A
young couple that was killed in an auto
accident haunts the curve in the road. A
male teen that was killed on the railroad
tracks can be seen in the right conditions
as the train passes by. The old lady, who
was a witch, was murdered in her house and
now haunts it. These stories and others
similar form the foundation of some great
paranormal cases. In the majority of cases,
the spirits have a distinct message or
un-finished business to try to complete in
this world. For this reason, it is believed
that most paranormal phenomena is linked to
a spirit who is actively trying to
communicate with someone in our space-time
In trying to find some type of explanation
as to why, or how, portals are created and make
advancement of spirits possible, we can look at the
probable theories behind the energies
available to create portals. Here are some of the energies that
can be used by spirits to create portals:
1. The spirit creates it's own energy and
focuses the energy
2. People in our own space-time reality emit
energy that can be harnessed and used by
spirits to manifest
3. Thoughts and remembrances of stories or
people can perpetuate and supply energy to
allow advancement
4. Environmental conditions that supply
correct conditions for portal advancement
The first theory is that a consciousness
generates its own energy to advance. How a
spirit does this is of great question in the
paranormal community. Where does it draw the
energy from? What energy type and amount is
required to create and sustain a portal? All
these questions are still unanswered and
unknown. What is known is that a
consciousness actively decides to advance
into our reality for the means of
communication, and when it does, there are
several changes in our environment that can
be detected and measured.
During paranormal investigations, is has
been widely experienced and accepted that
during manifestation of a spirit, several
variables change in the environment. Cold
spots are one of the easiest to detect and
measure. During the formation of a portal, it
is thought that energy being drawn out of
the area creates a drop in localized
temperature around the spot. Along with this
drop in temperature, electro-magnetic
readings called EMF, increase and can be
detected. While these are the signs that a
portal is being created and sustained, the
true proof lies in capturing photographs or
electronic voice phenomena (EVP) data to
show that actual communication was trying to
The next way energy is taken from our
reality and used to create a portal for
advancement, is through the use of personal
aura energy. People that live in our
space-time reality, emitting energy
(personal aura) that can be used by spirits
to manifest.
Many people throughout the world claim to be
able to see and communicate with
consciousness beyond our reality. This
ability can be linked to their natural way
of creating energy, which can then be used
by spirits to create portals. In the INPR
family of paranormal researchers and
acquaintances, we have several individuals
who have the ability to assist in the
manifestation of spirits. For these
individuals, the experiences that are had, are
ones of fascination and positive
Do we find it odd, that these special
individuals commonly see many different
forms or spirits? Not only do many possess
the capability of seeing humans that have
passed on, but different life forms.
Unfortunately, most of the people that have
this ability, have no control over what
spirits and beings manifest themselves. This
can be the cause of great distress and
personal hardship. The degree, to which this
hardship represents itself, is up to the
person having these experiences. In
paranormal research we have found a variety
of people, who have this power, and yet
react drastically different in their
reactions to the events.
Recently at an INPR event, we had an
acquaintance confide in us that since he can
remember, he has had the ability to see and
communicate with alien entities. These
entities take on the form of various size
bear-like animals with glowing eyes. Through
the conversation it was learned that, only in
the past few years has the activity
disappeared. When asked if there have been
any recent life changes that may have caused
the disappearance of these aliens, he
thought for a while and then said,
"Yes". What followed was his
explanation that distinctively corresponds
to the personal aura energy theory. He
stated that throughout his life, he had
a very strong personal aura. One that was so
profound, he commonly found people backing
away from him, and even hating him for his
unapproachable being. He defined his aura as, "a 10-foot sphere that blockaded him and made
anyone who entered this area feel
uncomfortable". The same energy force that
made people feel uncomfortable around him, is
undoubtedly the same type of personal aura
energy required to create and sustain
portals for communication. He further
explained that three years ago, several life
changing events occurred, that made this
personal aura change. He felt much
differently about the world in general and
people were not so afraid to approach him.
At the same time, all the contact and
communication with the alien entities
However, there can also be a dark side to these
experiences. In some cases, spirits with
less altruistic motives than communication
advance. And when doing so, negative
consequences of the most dire repercussions
result. Portals are open channels for
advancement that can be used by any
consciousness to advance in our space-time
reality. With the variety of entities:
humans, aliens, good, bad, playful, and/or
hurtful beings, what comes through the
portal is not always known, but the results
can be seen very easily. For instance, many
paranormal teams have produced documented
proof of communication. The photographs or
EVP's either show the spirit or record its
These spirits generally take on a benign
nature and cause no harm to the individuals
experiencing the phenomena. But in the worse
documented cases, such as the possession of
Emily Rose or one of the most recent the
possession of Julia a woman who had involvement with satanic
groups, very dire consequences can be had for the person on
our end of the portal.
In addition to spirit generated energy and
personal aura energy, Perpetuating Memories
can supply the energy required. This type of
energy can work not only for Portal
Advancement, but the Impressionism in the
Space-Time Continuum. Perpetuating memories
can act as a way of giving energy to a
spirit to allow it to manifest. As we
discussed in the earlier article on
Impressioning, events are over-written in
the fabric of space-time, and the event diminishes
in relevance and amplitude over time.
Thinking about the memory has a way of
reinvigorating the event, by uncovering or
amplifying it. Think of this in two ways,
either an object that is buried into the
ground. Every time a person or group thinks
about a person or event, the spirit can use
the energy released. Just like taking the
earth from above the buried object, the
event becomes more visible or pronounced. In
amplification terms, we are taking the small
and nearly unobservable signal and giving it
energy, so that the event or spirit can be
louder and detected.
The best example that we currently have of
this Perpetuation Memory model is the INPR
case, the Legend of the Waynedale Witch.
This is an ongoing investigation that has
fascinated and baffled our team. The initial
precept of this investigation was very
simple, do a routine investigation regarding
a local legend and de-bunk the myths
surrounding the legend. This is a standard
staple of paranormal research and we all
thought very little other than the
de-bunking would come out of the
However, after reviewing our data and
conclusions, we found information that led
us deeper and deeper into the mysteries of
the death of Helen Fishman. Why has this
information not been detected before? Why
had the dozens of other police
investigators, paranormal groups and other
individuals who had studied the case not put
together all the facts that we found? The
question can only be answered by the fact
that we were listening, and someone is
leading us in the proper direction of
In our INPR group, we have all commented,
time and time again, as to how our
investigations and information that we are
collecting, is tying into finally giving us
the answers to questions that had long ago
been abandoned. We are thinking about her,
and this remembrance is helping her give us
clues and direction towards solving the
mystery that surrounds her death.
Think of the many paranormal occurrences,
sometime called Urban Legends or Ghost
Stories that routinely reoccur. One thing
that they have in common, is that many people
have thought about the event or spirit. And
in doing so, they perpetuate the current
relevance of the entity. It is the continued
input of energy through thought or
remembrance, that this impression or portal
sustains. Without this energy the impression
diminishes or the portal closes and is no
longer detectable or capable of
The last source of energy for portals to be
created and sustained is environmental
conditions. Heat, humidity, radiation, solar
winds and magnetism all play a part in the
creation of portals, to what degree is still
being quantified. INPR has and is currently
dedicating massive amount of resources to
understand the effects and quantify them. It
is a standard practice, in an INPR
investigation, that whenever a person has a
personal experience, that they radio into
the command center and report the time and
any anomalous environmental conditions. At
that time, the command center logs the
recordings of the environmental patterns
that are local to the area. Temperature,
wind speed and direction, relative humidity
and barometric pressure are several of the
variables that are logged. Then during our
data analysis, we try to correlate
paranormal personal experiences with change
in environmental conditions.
To date, the most interesting images that
have been captured by INPR is during the
Hotel Rieger investigation on October 28,
2008. During this joint investigation with
Erie Paranormal Research, recorded evidence
was recovered that showed two distinct
occurrences that are still being review by
the rest of the paranormal community. The
first documentation occurred with a normal
snapshot picture down a hallway. In
reviewing the photo, there is an interesting
human form shape that occurs and appears to
have their arm extended as if throwing
Later on in the evening, the DVR system was
setup and recording footage, when some
startling events occurred. On the left side
of the hallway, about half of the way down,
out of a doorway steps a shadowy figure, and
out of no where appears an orb that heads
directly at the DVR infrared camera. As the
orb intersects the camera, there is
electrical interference with the picture for
a split second and then the picture returns
to normal.
The conditions within the Hotel Rieger are
what could have promoted this paranormal
anomaly. Weather conditions were documented as: light
precipitation earlier in the day. TEMP High:
48 Low: 41. Wind: 8 to 20 mph. A full
description of the environmental conditions
that existed during this experience can be
viewed at:
The full weather conditions documented later
were: Time: 20:40:55 - 20:41:02 EDST,
Temperature: 46.0 °F, Dew Point: 39.9 °F,
Relative Humidity: 79%, Barometric Pressure:
30.27 inches of mercury and steady. Do any
of these weather conditions play a role in
the events that were captured during this
investigation? We are still in the research
phase of this area of paranormal research
and as more data and conclusions lead us
towards answers, we plan on sharing it with
This is the second report in a series of
three written by INPR investigator Kurt
Begue. The first entitled: Event Impressions
on the Space-Time Continuum was published
Wednesday, November 12, 2008. The third and
final report entitled: Preparing
Environments for Paranormal Activity is
scheduled to be published in December of