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INPR 2008
Written by Kurt Begue

In Nomine Paranormal Research (INPR) is putting the finishing touches on a busy maiden year of operation. Great strides have been taken to not only expand the general knowledge of paranormal research, but to help families in need of answers. To date, INPR has participated in nine full investigations, including such locations as a prominent mansion in Sturgis, Michigan, the Reiger Hotel in Sandusky, Ohio, and the Fort Wayne Masonic Temple. Four undisclosed residential locations have also been studied. In each investigation, full reports and analyses have been completed and documented.

However, no one can say that 2008 was all work and no play. INPR also enjoyed a year of good friendship and camaraderie. In August we hosted the first annual INPR picnic, which was well attended. Plans are already in process for next year’s event. In October, INPR had their first annual meet and greet at Columbia City’s haunted jail. It was quite the success and we got to meet many wonderful people who are interested in the paranormal and how we conduct our investigations.

Speaking of next year, INPR is planning a series of events which will continue to solidify our presence in the paranormal community. As always, our main focus is helping families understand strange and bizarre happenings in their household and to give them understanding and hopefully explanations of what is happening to them. There are plans to attend some of next year’s paranormal conventions and gatherings, one of which takes place in Indianapolis. We hope to meet and get to know many of our contemporaries in the paranormal investigation field. Also on the slate is the production of several webisodes of our investigations that will surely delight our fans. Finally, a premier piece for the team is the forensic investigation and documentary on the Waynedale Witch. This documentary promises to answer many of the questions and theories that have ever surrounded this legend.

2008 was a great success! We at In Nomine Paranormal Research looks forward to continuing to bring you cutting edge investigations that will not only tempt your passion for the paranormal, but satisfy your hunger for positive proof of what lies on the other side.


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